
Here is where I have posted a few of the things which I have written:


Ezekiel the Spirit (Dis)abled Son of Man (SPS@SBL 2023)


“Hadad-Rimmon” and “Ono” in the Lexham Bible Dictionary (2014) HERE

“What’s in a Day?: The Theological Significance of Yôm in Genesis 1,” Didaskalia 24 (Spring 2015): pp. 75-98.


Walter Brueggemann. Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2014) in Pneuma Review (Spring 2015). HERE

Dony K. Donev. The Life and Ministry of Rev. Ivan Voronaev: Now with a Special Addition of the (Un)Forgotten Story of the Voronaev Children ([S.l.]: Spasen Publishers, 2011) in Pneuma Review (Fall 2014). HERE

Samuel Wells and George Sumner. Esther & Daniel. Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos, 2014) in Trinity Journal 36.1 (Spring 2015): 115-116.

John Christopher Thomas, The Apocalypse: A Literary and Theological Commentary (Cleveland, TN: CPT Press, 2012) in Pneuma Review (Summer 2014). HERE

David G. Firth and Paul D. Wegner, eds., Presence, Power, and Promise: The Role of the Spirit of God in the Old Testament (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2011) in Enrichment Journal 17.4 (Fall 2012): 136.


“Emerging Homiletics: A Pentecostal Response” in Lee Roy Martin, ed., Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Preaching (Cleveland, TN: CPT Press, 2015), pp. 258-270. PURCHASE HERE

“N.T.Wright’s ‘Justification’ and the Cry of the Spirit” in Jenny Everts and Jeffrey Lamp, eds., Pentecostal Theology and the Theological Vision of N. T. Wright (Cleveland, TN: CPT Press, 2015), pp. 60-75. PURCHASE HERE


Executive Editor of The Pentecostal Educator (2013-Present)


Brief Theological Paper (where I briefly provide a basic structure for my personal understanding of theology – 14 pp.)

N. T. Wright’s Justification and the “Cry of the Spirit” (31 pp.)

The Theological Meaning and Signficance of Yom in Genesis 1 (M.Div.Honours Thesis – 113 pp.)

Emerging Homiletics: A Pentecostal Response (13 pp.)

Toward a Constructive Pentecostal Theology of the Spirit in the Former Prophets (18 pp.)

Toward a Pentecostal Hermeneutic of the Former Prophets (20 pp.)


Elisha and the Double Portion Spirit: Sign of the True Son of the Prophet (2 Kings 2-9, 13) (15 pp.)

Exegetical, Theological, and Devotional Notes on Daniel: The Message For the Times (51 pp.)

Exegetical, Theological, and Devotional Notes on Esther: A Celebration to Remember (17 pp.)

Exegetical, Theological, and Devotional Notes on Ezekiel: The Prophet of the Spirit (52 pp.)

Formation of Canonical Texts: The Question of the “Original” Text of the Old Testament (13 pp.)

Formation of the Old Testament Canon or The Formation of a Community (11 pp.)

A Midrashic History of the (Hebrew and Greek) Old Testament Text (10 pp.)

Reflections Towards an Interpretation of the Old Testament (9 pp.)

When Prophets Play the Lyre: Saul and the Strings of the Spirit (21 pp.)


Matthew: Why Was It the Preferred Gospel of the Apostolic Fathers (19 pp.)

An Exposition of the Greek Text of 1 Corinthians 15:29 – Baptism of the Dead (18 pp.)

An Exposition of the Greek Text of 1 Peter 3:18-19 – Christ Suffered Once For All (11 pp.)

An Exposition of the Greek Text of 1 Peter 4:14-16 – Suffering for the Sake of Christ (11 pp.)


An Interpretation of Ugaritic Religion in Light of the Baal Cycle (12 pp.)

Ugaritic Philology (12 pp.)

Gods in Conflict: Reflections on the Baal Cycle and 1 Kings 17-18 (17 pp.)