As I prepared to take my congregation through the book of Leviticus I came upon this marvelous quote:
“As revealed in Leviticus, the holy is not an abstract, metaphysical concept hanging in thin air. Rather it is the essential quality that gives eternal meaning to serving Yahweh. The call to become holy like God affects every dimension of life. This call captivates the imagination and like a gyroscope directs one’s longing for purpose toward life in Yahweh’s presence. While the demands of holy living are overwhelming, the promise of God’s presence empowering his people encourages pursuit of the call. A holy life is a blessed life, a life of personal growth, and a life of meaning and joy. It is a life lived in communion with the Holy God.” (John E. Hartley, Leviticus [WBC 4; Dallas, TX: Word, 1992], lxiii).
I was struck by the concreteness of holiness (as opposed to how we as Protestants have made it primarily spiritualized but not Spirit embodied). I am thoroughly looking forward to our study of this life-giving book of Scripture. What are your thoughts on the concreteness of holiness and its relation to a “life lived in communion with the Holy God”?
[Originally blogged on May 31, 2012 at]