The Number of the Beast and Wild Claims

A friend recently posted a video that makes claims concerning the “number of the beast” in Revelation 13:18 (it can be viewed HERE) . I found the following graphic posted on Facebook of Walid’s claims about the symbols/words written in “Sinaiticus” (a Greek codex with many sections dating from the fourth century). Walid claims that the bottom line is actually depicted properly by the top line with crossed swords (an Islamic symbol) and the Arabic word/s meaning “In the name of Allah”
Supposed symbols in the text
Walid mentions (and draws) the top lines characters which do NOT appear in any Greek manuscript. As it turns out Codex Sinaiticus (which he specifically says to go check out) does not have even an abbreviated form of the number, but has the fully written form for each number. As it turns out all one needs to do is go online and verify with the manuscript (which is freely accessible to anyone with internet access). See the image HERE.
It is found in the third column [lines 21-22]: εξακοϲιαι εξηκοτα εξ

Anyone can see that his claims have no factuality when looking at the manuscript itself (even if one did not know Greek they could still note that these symbols are nowhere present in the text). Further, if one were to check the Nestle-Aland text of the Greek New Testament they will find that with the many variants preserved in the manuscript traditions (and reported in the text-critical note of the NA text) not one contains any such markings representing numbers. In other words, his entire claim is false and easily proven so.
Yet, such drivel will continue to be received by many in the West who simply WANT Muslims to be the tools of the Antichrist and somehow the Beast/s of the Revelation. Perhaps it is our concern not to be found ourselves numbered a part of that beastly system which opposes Jesus rightful rule over all? Perhaps what we do not really understand and yet fear (rightfully or wrongfully) always seems readily at hand to explain the beasts of our apocalyptic nightmares? Perhaps we seek “hidden knowledge” that “verifies” our fears because if our fears were proven unfounded we might have to consider how we ourselves may be surrendering to all that rejects Jesus the king of all?
To those who overcome…

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2 Responses to The Number of the Beast and Wild Claims

  1. BallBounces says:

    The names Walid and Wadholm are uncomfortably close. Walid is obviously a diminutive of Wadholm. This means that Rick Wadholm is… the beast??!!

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