I thought today I would just post about a couple of things which interested me:
(1) Apparently Hendrickson Publishers has just released the fascicle of Biblia Hebraica Quinta: Judges. I still need to start ordering my copies of BHQ, but it seems each volume is taking longer to publish. It will certainly be a tremendous contribution to Hebrew Bible studies once it is completed.
(2) Renowned Greek scholar and linguist, Dr. Stanley E. Porter (President of McMaster Divinity School) has begun blogging about McMaster, Seminary education, Koine Greek and the New Testament. I’ve already added it to my blog-reader…how about you?
(3) My two alma-maters have each just announced new presidents: Trinity Bible College will be receiving Dr. Paul Alexander (currently Principal of Mattersey Hall in the U.K.) and I trust this will prove a positive academic direction for TBC. In other news, I discovered that Dr. David Johnson (Professor of NT, Executive Vice-President and Provost of PTS) has been accepted as the interim president of Providence Theological Seminary. Congrats to Dr. Johnson on the new opportunity!