As the senior pastor of a small church I take the time once a month to change from leading my weekly adult Bible study to once a month lead the youth group. I always look forward to this time with the youth of my congregation. Since I get very little specific time with them I decided this year I’d endeavor to take them through the entire Bible in six months (as that covers the months where I actually have one week with them).
What follows in the next several posts are the four handouts I gave to my youth and taught from over the course of four different weeks concerning a summation of the Old Testament written with seventh graders in mind. I chose a title for each paragraph of several simple sentences. Several (hopefully) representative passages and the word in capital letters at the end of each paragraph was a picture that I drew and had them draw if they wanted of something somehow to help connect to that particular part of the Old Testament. I’d be interested to know what others think of this approach and of the specifics of what I did. Each handout was intended to be a half-sheet of paper.
Creation – God IS. Everything exists because He made it. Everything was made “good” in the beginning. SEVEN