I just listened to one of the most amazing defenses of Mosaic authorship of the book of Deuteronomy that I’ve ever encountered which was a lecture (about 50 minutes long) delivered to the faculty of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on Sept. 29, 1999 entitled “The Genesis of Deuteronomy.” This message (while heavily academic) is similar to other messages I’ve heard from Dr. Block that are extremely pastoral and delivered as an impassioned plea to know and glorify the LORD in everything.
Daniel I. Block, D.Phil – University of Liverpool (Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and author of multiple commentaries, books and articles including the publicly lauded “standard” for commentaries on the OT with his “Ezekiel” [2 volumes in the New International Commentary of the Old Testament]) has presented many convincing arguments for the structure and compilation of Deuteronomy (not to mention the influence upon Genesis-Leviticus) and its relation to the rest of Scripture. He moves well beyond the likes of Martin Noth and Moshe Weinfeld and indeed offers a truly Evangelical approach and critique to the contemporary critical understanding and history of Torah. I hope he includes such work (and further develops it) as a part of his soon (?) coming commentary on Deuteronomy in the NIV Application Commentary series. It is always refreshing to listen to a Scholar who knows his stuff, but shares it in the spirit of a Pastor.